However, for the time being, this paper is the demon-child of my years at UWM and my best effort at forging an interdisciplinary pathway. To what end? I have no f**king clue. I am in need of a patron willing to indulge my interests in film studies, queer theory, cultural geography, and the urban milieu. I will wear a push-up bra if needed. Also, I own a blazer that can easily be fitted with scholarly suede elbow patches.
Without further fanfare, here is the LA Zombie paper. Many thanks to Gilberto for tolerating me and for the few people who will appreciate the effort. For the uninitiated, here is a trailer and link to the website:
LA Zombie website: http://www.lazombie.com/
There is No Title Because I Have Erased the Title
(This is Not a Title)
In this paper, I...
Propose a theoretical model for the study of
queerness and geography in film, including a discussion of the spatiality of
film itself, the relevancy of cultural geography in the study of film, the role
of built environments in the regulation of sexuality, and the zombie’s ability
to “queer” space.
Read Bruce LaBruce’s LA Zombie (2010) as a radical critique of the spatial
marginalization of sexual minorities and as a utopian text that champions
border-crossing and the queering of normative spaces.