
Screenshots: Suspiria


Despite Suspiria's overabundance of pretty, this hallway bewitchment scene never quite leaves my mind. As
an incurable fairy tale addict, I think it's the combination of the red and black mise-en-scene and strange pairing of the toad-like woman and the demented Little Lord Fauntleroy that does it for me. It seems like something I'd dream after overdosing on Brothers Grimm and melatonin.

Dario Argento's Suspiria (1977)


  1. ha. lil' lord fauntleroy. this image is really bizarre, what is she holding? the answer?

  2. I think it's one'a them pie-server thingamajigs. But it looks...off. I can't tell. I think the part of it that creeps me out is how "lo-fi" it is. If I was in danger of being bewitched every time I was around silverware, I'd be screwed.
